Tools to Optimize Your Email

Tools to Optimize Your Email

When it comes to email, weapon-savvy ninjas know that there are a ton of web tools available to help you get your email management system to operate in exactly the way you want it to. Whether you’re a lover of Gmail, or true to your Outlook account, we’re sharing some of our favorite email tools to help better your inbox experience.


Google Mail Checker

This simple extension for Google Chrome allows you to see the number of unread emails sitting in your Gmail inbox at a quick glance, by keeping an icon and counter in your tool bar. It saves you from checking and rechecking your inbox throughout the day, so that you only need to log in to Gmail when you know you have something there waiting for you.


Email Optimization

Email Hunter

This is another really useful extension that can be added to Google Chrome – this time allowing you to retrieve email addresses from a website without having to hunt around for them. The extension offers 150 free searches for each user every month. To download the tool, simply go onto the Chrome Web Store, search and download‘ Email Hunter’ It will install a button in your browser, and the clicking it should show you every email address found on the site. The extension also adds an ‘Email Hunter’ button on LinkedIn profiles, for a quick email address search.

Email Tools

mxHero Toolbox

This one extension enables Gmail users to track emails (including ‘read receipts’ and whether or not links/files have been opened by the recipient). ‘Send Later’ allows you to schedule email deliveries, while ‘Remind Me’ lets you set an email to reappear in your inbox after a certain amount of time. There’s even a ‘Self Destruct’ feature that can be used when sending sensitive information. This is a great catch-all app for Gmail users who want to expand their email functions with a single web extension.

By Steph Rathbone

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