CALM Communications

From our workshop Supercharge Your Team Comms, this CALM model is a super helpful moment of mindful reflection before sending any piece of comms.

Think CALM before embarking on any comms pieces to:

Create Clarity

Does it create clarity and in a concise manner (think about Email etiquette and ensuring emails are concise and clear). Do I create confusion/clutter or clarify?


Provide assurance that the recipient’s input is required and important, can also be about including info on the ‘why’ we need this so they fully understand the purpose of this piece of comms.  “as a valued member of the project team I really need your input on this”


Does this piece of comms lead the receiver in a positive direction and does it provide focus on the task at hand? At its core, positive intent is believing that we’re all doing the best we can.


Does this comms provide useful connection and nurture our business culture and values? Creating a link back to our common mission in all we do can help us prioritise too!

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