How to Fix Your Team’s Communication

Clear and effective team communication is the heartbeat of any successful organisation. In today’s hybrid working environments, where colleagues are spread across offices and remote locations, achieving that clarity can feel like navigating a minefield in the dark.

Is your team struggling to communicate effectively in this hybrid work landscape?

Here are some helpful tips to ensure that everyone in the team is on the same page:

Choose the Right Tools with the POPP Method

    Learn how to cut through the noise and choose the right tool for the right job using the POPP method. POPP stands for:

    P – Purpose: What’s the main reason for your communication?

    O – Outcome: What action do you want the recipient to take or understand?

    P – Priority: How urgent is it? Use this to determine the best communication channel.

    P – People: Who needs to be involved in this communication?

    By applying the POPP method, you can streamline your communication efforts, enhancing your email management, meeting management, and overall personal productivity. This ensures that your message is delivered effectively to the right people, boosting your team’s performance.

    Create the Right Tone with the CALM Approach

      Tone is everything. By using the CALM approach, you can maintain positivity and productivity in your team’s communication. CALM stands for:

      C – Clarity: Keep your message clear and concise. Avoid confusion by using straightforward language and staying focused.

      A – Affirming: Acknowledge the recipient’s role and provide reassurance, highlighting the value of their input.

      L – Leading: Show trust and positive intent in your communication.

      M – Maximising: Seize the opportunity to connect, reinforce company culture, and make communication a tool for growth.

      By adopting the CALM approach, you’ll create a communication environment that is both supportive and effective—essential for hybrid teams and crucial for workplace wellbeing.

      At Think Productive, we understand how Comm-fusion is affecting hybrid teams and causing communication breakdowns, which is why we offer our ‘Supercharge Your Team Comms‘ workshop. In this workshop, you’ll learn practical strategies to improve your team’s communication and efficiency. Get all the details here.

      For some tips to get started, watch our short Ninja Skill Booster below and kick-start your journey to better communication!

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