Individual Productivity Ninja® personal training at your desk
Do you feel your workload and constant email bombardment has taken over your life?
Our Productivity Ninja® will spend a day with you at the office, to help you get your work-life back in order. Regain control, clarity, space for big-picture, strategic thinking – and put yourself back in the driving seat.
Our human, practical, no-nonsense approach will help you in multiple areas. Email, workflow, procrastination, decision-making, prioritization, working smarter with your PA. Whatever it is that you need to feel ‘Ninja-fied’ and in control, our Productivity Consultant is here to help.
We start with a diagnostic session to help us establish what needs to change.
Then we deploy the best bits from all our workshops to assist you in implementing change right there at your desk. So your new approaches and habits are put into practice and not lost in the day-to-day chaos.
Clients tell us that spending a day with a Productivity Ninja® is life-changing. The impact is immediate, and the positive repercussions are felt at once. And in their lives outside of work as well. Who can argue with that?
Sharpen the critical skills that you need to be a Leaders in the modern workplace. Role model zen-like calm, wellbeing and making space for the benefit of your team.