The Happy Factor: Why Office Design is Integral in Creating Happy Employees

 Why Office Design is Integral in Creating Happy Employees

The design of a workplace that considers the happiness of every member of the team will impact the success for the group. That means it is crucial to pay attention to interior design principles. A happy team which has all the space and support that they could want will thrive in a workplace. Look at the contribution to your company they make each day.  Taking the time to consider what employees need can be one of the most beneficial things a business can do.

You may be looking to launch major change with a team that you trust and value. Or you plan to create a showcase collaborative workplace environment to impress clients and retain staff. In either case redesigning the traditional office setup to suit your employees will have a profound long-term impact on their attitudes. That’s why we’re using science to bring you a handful of ways that you can harness office design in the pursuit of professional happiness.

1. Let there be natural light 

Natural light is a must when it comes to designing an office space that is central to the happiness and well-being of employees. Encouraging natural light in and around the room will actually improve their productivity. Studies show that office workers who are exposed to natural light throughout the working day sleep better. That means your people will be happier, healthier, and more prepared for a productive days work. So for an office that’s designed to generate as much positivity as possible, strip back heavy materials like curtains and carpets. Use smaller  rugs to expose wood flooring and let natural light bounce around the room.


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2. Incorporate greenery 

Scientific evidence  suggests that plants can improve air quality and reduce stress. So the most effective office designs will be the ones that have been adorned with indoor plants. From greenery in the reception area to cacti on the desk tops. Adding these eco-friendly accessories to the office will not only substantially improve memory retention , it will also alleviate the risk of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). And also create an environment that conveys the importance of each employee’s satisfaction and well-being. It sends a signal which motivates your team to work to the best of their ability.


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3. Use furniture to encourage collaboration

It may be a well-worn cliché for some, but there is a popular notion that ‘together everyone achieves more’. It will apply to every team working in any company. There are limitless options to promote this opportunity for sharing creative ideas. But by creating sociable spaces for your team to work in, you’ll be able to reduce the feeling of competition.  Instead, employees can be surrounded by a welcoming, positive space that influences company culture. From open plan offices to communal table set ups, there are many ways encourage staff members to socialize and bounce ideas off one another. You will reap the full benefits of investing in your workforce’s well-being.


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 4. Offer versatility with your layout

The way that each of our brains function will go hand-in-hand with the way that we prefer to work. That means that the most well-thought-out offices are trading sections of traditional desk setups for more adaptable workspaces. As more and more millennials enter the world of work, flexibility is at its fore. So investing in the right furniture which allow staff to carry out tasks in a way that suits them. Offering lap desks for communal sofas alongside the conventional desk format and allowing employees to choose how they work means that they’re more likely to feel valued in the workplace. It will repay the company with improved productivity.


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5. Tap into color psychology 

Color psychology plays one of the most significant roles in interior design. Color palettes holding the power to dramatically change the atmosphere of a room. So it’s vital that business owners carefully consider what tone they’re looking to create in their office. Color greatly influences human emotion. That is why rich reds that evoke feelings of urgency would be better suited for sections of the office that will be used for meetings about looming deadlines. Similarly, conference rooms that are used for liaising with clients should be adorned with shades of green and yellow. These evoke feelings of trust, admiration and positivity.

From the office layout to the type of furnishings, the interior design of an office plays an integral part in boosting the happiness, well-being and productivity of any employee. So there’s every reason to reconsider the setup of your office in your quest for success.

By Jim Laird
Jim is the Commercial Director of Flooring Republic, factory outlet showrooms for engineered and solid wood flooring.

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