Ruthless Break Taking For Productivity Ninjas

Ruthless Break Taking For Productivity Ninjas

As a Productivity Ninja you will know just HOW important it is to take regular breaks throughout the day. Now, we don’t just talk about a regular lunch break, but we mean those 5-10 minute breaks we should all be taking throughout the day. We’ve got some fresh tips on how to take regular breaks as well as some creative ways to spend your breaks, so you get the most out of your brain.

Lunch Breaks 

We’ve seen and done it all: quickly grabbing a meal-deal from the shops, hurrying back to your desk and eating your lunch while answering emails or finishing off a presentation. We understand if this happens once every other month but for a lot of employees this is a daily reality. Years ago it was common for teams to get together in their “break rooms” and switch off from work and play cards or read the newspaper. Nowadays, taking a proper lunch break is often frowned upon and seen as “lazy”.



The reality is, there is nothing lazy about taking a proper lunch break. Your brain needs to switch off on a regular basis. Here are three key tips to keep in mind for your next lunch break:

  • For most of us, work means starring into a screen for hours on end, so take your lunch break as an opportunity to disconnect and take a break from screens (phones included)!
  • We’ve all heard it: “Sitting is the new smoking”, so let’s use those lunch breaks to stretch out and move around a bit. Sunny day? Go for a walk and enjoy some fresh air – it might bring some inspiration.
  • We always advise against multi-tasking. This doesn’t just apply to your work, but also to simple tasks such as eating. Enjoy the food you’re eating and don’t just chow down but take your time to enjoy your time away from your desk.

Breaks Throughout the Day 

As important as it is to take a proper lunch break, it’s just as important to take multiple breaks throughout the day. Whether that means popping down to the shops, taking a quick walk through a nearby park or catching up with a colleague over a cup of tea in the staff kitchen –  your body and brain will appreciate the regular time away from your work station. The payoff will not only be reduced stress levels but also an increase in your own productivity. So really a win-win situation for yourself, your team and your manager.

See below some more inspiration for your next break from the lovely people over at Quid Corner.

Ruthless Break Taking

Happy Break-Taking!

By Hannah Urbanek

Hannah is Think Productive UK’s Head of Outreach and is the voice behind much of our blog and social media content. 

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